Having signage on your vehicle is a fantastic way to promote your business. Your vehicle is on the road for hundreds of hours every single year and is seen by more than 700,000 people a year. It’s a no-brainer that getting your vehicle signage right is a fantastic...
In the world of fashion, adding some extra “bling” is often seen as the thing to do. It helps you stand out and set yourself apart from the rest. Whether it be something shiny, suave or expensive, it helps show your style. Adding some bling to your vehicle wrap works...
I was recently reading a great article on marketing and it stressed the importance of putting your brand in the places where your audience hangs out and congregates. If you sell clothes, make sure your Instagram page looks amazing and can be seen by as many people as...
It’s safe to say that here at Brand Hero, we are big fans of vehicle signage. Not only is it great for paint protection of your prized asset, it is also a fantastic branding opportunity for your business. That said, vinyl car wrapping can be an expensive exercise so...
Over the next month or so, we will send out some great content to you on these three key ingredients so you can learn exactly how to make sure your website is performing for your business. Today we are looking at the bonus ingredients So your website is now...
Over the next month or so, we will send out some great content to you on these three key ingredients so you can learn exactly how to make sure your website is performing for your business. Ingredient #3: Images Your designer will make sure your website...