Our company is coming up on an important milestone in the next couple of years – 25 years in operation.

‘The Business’ as it was always called, started out of our family garage in Albany Creek in the late 1990s, it was the epitome of ‘humble beginnings’. I still remember the dusty secondhand print machinery and slightly shonky darkroom collated by my Dad to get the ball rolling. The ink stains on the carpet and a decent amount of both sweat and swearing. Dad slaving week-in, week-out testing, failing and finally, producing small print jobs on paper.

Eventually, Mum had enough and sent Dad and his toys packing up to bustling-Brendale. A shared space with a tool manufacturer, us kids would avoid ‘The Business’ like the plague at fear being dragged into some packing, sorting or worse… delivering flyers.

Eventually, I bit the bullet and joined ‘The Business’. Cue at least a decade of standard father and son banter and the occasional yelling match, all refereed by my increasing-tired mother with her Swiss-level neutrality.

The Building of The Business
For everyone’s sake, I will gloss over our most formative years. Apparently, I am not allowed to “rabbit on” about “The Fire” anymore in blog posts or work speeches. So… an awesome re-brand, a few new machines, and at least one large-scale fire, here we are – a pretty happy and successful branding agency with a rich almost-25 year history. How the hell did that even happen? Eek!

How does your business celebrate its past?

Like our company, your company no doubt has a history too. Especially if you’ve been in operation for a decade or more, what happened to get you to where you are now? And why does it matter?

All that has come before is important – every success and every failure. There are often many of both and all of them define who you are now. This should be documented and celebrated.

Timeline Walls for Ok Tedi Mining

Recently, we had the absolute pleasure of creating, manufacturing and installing timeline walls for Ok Tedi Mining in Papua New Guinea. Chronicling this fine organisation’s rich history, we created this with matt-textured wallpaper and high-gloss acrylic standoffs with stunning effect.

Timeline walls are a great addition to a company’s visual brand. Whether in high-traffic areas where your team congregates, reception areas or even board rooms, they bring your team and stakeholders together under a common team. They too are part of history, whether it be documented or yet to even occur – future history if you will. This understanding of the past helps foster a brand’s culture and celebrate its history. It provides insights into why you’ve got to where you are now and how to go about business in the future.

For innovative ways to help celebrate your company’s past, get in touch with us today.