No, we aren’t rebranding (again), nor are we bringing out our inner “Mean Girls” by wearing pink each Wednesday. Far from it in fact!

Last year we held our first annual Pink Ribbon Morning Tea in support of the National Breast Cancer Foundation and their ongoing research.

This is a topic close to many of our hearts here at BH. Like so many of us these days, several staff members have been personally touched by this disease and we felt it was a brilliant way to support the cause.

The event was held on the 25th of October and was, by all accounts, a wonderful success. We managed to raise $725 and were able to connect with our customers and members of our community who too, have been affected by breast cancer. It was incredibly rewarding with the event exceeding our expectations on every level. Our office was left imbued with the most beautiful, compassionate energy.


The shirts we had made for the event were pink. The shade is vibrant, energetic and full of life. It seemed fitting that we keep this passion alive as a gentle reminder of those we have loved and lost and those that continue the fight.

This week brings to a close National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The mission: ZERO DEATHS FROM BREAST CANCER BY 2030.

As a lot of you may already know, our Facebook online auction is currently underway and ends this Friday.

If you feel compelled to bid on your favourite item up for grabs, we would be delighted.

You can do so by clicking this link, which will take you to our auction.

Alternatively, you can donate directly to the NBCF by clicking here.