In the previous post (Click here to read to Part 1) we looked at brand personality, how to identify your target market, what products you sell (and what you REALLY sell) and my hairstyle in the mid 90s. Now that deeper stuff is out of the way, its time to get...
The mid-nineties was the height of Britpop. Way back then, I had somewhat more hair. I took full advantage of this with my Gallagher-esque hairdo – combed down at the front (in no way did this look like a comb-over). Paired with a nice dress shirt, chinos and white...
Three businesses walk into a bar… The first business walks up to the bartender and says “I’m the best in the business, wanna hire me?” The second business walks up to the bartender and says “That can’t be true! I’m the best in the business, you should hire me!” Then...
Around 5 years ago, we had some friends staying here in Australia from the United States. In general conversation one early November, they mentioned that this would be their first Thanksgiving away from home. Being good Australians, we immediately said “we’ll have...
As a small business owner, we get hit from all sides, and on a daily basis. From emails to customer enquiries, from staffing issues to family matters. The long list of firefighting activities goes on! Managing all this can be a juggle (and a struggle). Balls get...
Guest Post This is a guest post from Laing Business Solutions. They are a Brisbane-based accountancy and business solutions company offering tailored packages and top notch support for your business. Don’t make tax time too taxing In Australia we pay tax and that is a...