Don’t get me wrong, One Page Websites are a great start if your business is low on funds and you just want to get started with your digital footprint. That said, this kind of website most probably won’t lead to your being swamped with leads and drowning in sales.

What is a One Page Website?

Just like the box says, a One Page Website is your entire site on one single page. No menu or navigation bar on the top with different clickable options. Generally speaking, a One Page Website should consist of around 300-500 words, social media links, contact information and a couple of images.

Why they don’t work

Generally speaking, whilst they can look modern and sleek, a One Page Website simply isn’t enough for a few reasons.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is what your websites needs to get ranking and showing up on the ever-coveted “Page One” on Google. Put simply, a One Page Website simply doesn’t have enough content for Google to recognize this and place it as a page worth ranking.

Google wants its users to have access to a wide range of deep content. When it’s search bots see a One Page Website, they will most probably disregard it as it simply isn’t big enough to provide good and engaging content.


Whilst they might be simple and small, website users today are very much aware of how websites work. Logo and menu up the top with links to various pages. If a user comes onto a One Page Website, they often get lost as they scroll down the page looking for what they need or searching for a contact us section.

What are your options?

Thankfully, there are a few different options available to you depending on your budget and ultimately, what you want from your website

The Four Pager

This is a great starter website for your business, especially if you are a trade business. This would usually consist of a Home Page, About Us Page, Services Page and Contact Us Page. A website of this size gives you a fighting chance with SEO and gives your readers value as they crawl through your site and read more content.

The Multi-Pager

A multi page website with specific pages really takes first prize. A website of this size will show Google that your site is worth visiting. It will also allow you to have specific pages for each service you offer. The basic goal here – one theme per page.

Say you are a local electrician – you can have a specific page called Air Conditioning Brisbane. With “Air Conditioning Brisbane”  being a highly searched Google keyword, you now have a page with that exact title for Google to recognize and rank. Huzzah!

In addition to this, it gives you flexibility. Perhaps the need for one of your products is seasonal. Using the same example, the local electrician knows lots of people are searching for air conditioners in Spring. So during this time, he has a Google Ads campaign aimed specifically at Air Conditioning Brisbane and has this as a specific landing page for the campaign.

Other Considerations

Whilst a bigger site is better for your rankings and conversions, its what is on the pages that counts. Ideally, a website with professionally written content with SEO in mind wins the day. Also, the additional of online marketing (SEO and Google Ads) will really help push your website towards Page One, if that’s what your goals are.

And that’s what it really comes down to – what do you want out of your website? Is it increased leads? Credibility? A place to send your social followers? These are the questions you need to ask, which will enable you to build the best website for your specific business needs and goals.