A tagline is a short phrase sentence that sometimes will accompany a logo. In short, a tagline is a brief statement about what your company stands for – your mantra so to speak.

Many times we will do a logo and the customer will ask us about whether or not to include a tagline in their design. Our answer here is always the same… whilst it’s a nice thing to have, it’s not a total necessity. As a new business you might not be totally sure of who you really are just yet and what key benefits you bring to your customer’s lives. These items are key to developing a unique tagline that connects with your audience. Unless the tagline brings meaning to your brand, skip it.

That said, a tagline is a great way for your audience to connect with your brand on a deeper and more personal level. Here are some examples of great company taglines used over the years:

All of these companies are ticking off four key elements in their tagline to make them work, let’s have a closer look.

Keep It Simple No need to write a paragraph under your logo explaining all your features and benefits – somewhere between 3-6 words is ideal.

Make It Unique Like your logo, you want your tagline to be unique to you. Avoid generic phrases like ‘Quality Counts’ or ‘Simply the Best’.

Focus on Benefits Ensure your tagline is ‘customer-centric’ – that is, focusing on the key benefits they get from using your product or service. Make sure it speaks to them and what problem you are solving in their lives

Evoke Emotion Try to use inspirational words, phrasing or evoke emotion with your tagline. Tapping into people’s emotions is a great way to market your product or service. Try to work out how you want people to feel when they think about your brand.

Here are some ideas and phrases to get started with:

Ambition, Higher, Soaring, Improving

Calm, Peaceful, Caring, Thoughtful

Stable, Strong, Solid, Peace of Mind

Healthy, Wise, Life, Forever

Family, Togetherness, One, Connected

Does your business have a tagline? If so, does it tick off these 4 key elements to make it connect with your audience? If your company has been around a few years and doesn’t have a tagline, perhaps now is a good time to think about this and how you can connect better with your audience.

Click the button below to get some direction for your tagline so it hits the mark with your audience