“Oh, I didn’t know you did building signs!”

This was a recurring comment to me over the years. Building signs could also be replaced with websites, logos, car wraps, etc.

Our name didn’t truly reflect the direction that our company had gone. Over the years, signage and websites had become a big part of our business. We had outgrown our name and it was time to change.

So late last year, we added All About Signage and All About Design to our bows. We would trade under the name All About Group. Perfect…

Well, not so much. Once we began using the new name and structure, we discovered it wasn’t working work us. The name meant nothing to us or our customers. And what is a group anyway? Like the Spice Girls are ‘a group’? Nope. Not for us.

The fire our business suffered on March 1st changed many things for us. In particular, it changed our ability to analyse our business and make changes if we need them. It made us brave.

So whilst being bold is the flavour of the month, we decided to scrap all this All About Group stuff. Boom!


So after over 20 years, All About Print has now become Brand Hero.



What’s staying the same

Our ownership and team remain the same. We have added to our administration and production staff to help move our business forward.
We’ve kept our favourite colour red. Red is the colour of passion. We have a passion for helping our clients in their business. Seeing a client walk out the door looking better than they arrived, this gets us out of bed in the morning.

What’s changing

Obviously, our name! Brand refers to your businesses haircut and clothes. We are your stylists! Making you look fantastic and feel confident about your business.
Are we real heroes? No, we leave that for the firefighters who saved our business. Hero refers to our values and how we want to be when we deal with you. Like any good superhero, we want to be:
  • Courageous – take risks in our work to produce extraordinary results
  • Passionate – be passionate about what we do
  • Confident – be confident in our abilities to deliver
  • Leave an impact – we want to leave a lasting impact on our clients and their businesses. We want to make a difference.
We have a new icon – a paper plane. This touches on our roots as a print company but also depicts what we do for our customers. We make our client’s businesses look fantastic and stand out so they can feel confident. We make them soar… just like a paper plane.
Whilst we are on the topic of soaring, we have a new tagline – Make Your Business Soar. We removed the old “Print, Sign, Design” from our logo. These items are just the tools we use to get the end result. Using printing, signage and design we take our client’s businesses to new levels… we make them soar.
So this is us, Brand Hero. The same, but different. We hope you like it as much as we do.

Warm Regards,

Jonathan & the team
– Brand Hero