The internet (for all its pros, cons and cat videos) shows no signs of slowing down. In the past 15 years, this wonderful creation has changed the way we talk to our friends, find a loved one, access information and also, do business.


The Shift

From a business perspective, as we have moved into the information age there has been a huge shift in the balance between the buyer and the seller. In the days before Google and Amazon, the seller held all the cards. Think of the car salesman. He knew all about the car’s specifications, it’s pros, it’s cons and colour choices. In today’s world, this information has shifted to the hands of the buyer. Before you even enter the dealership, you know all about the vehicle’s dimensions, its fuel economy, its inclusions. More critically, you know how much you can get it for down the road too. What a relief… no more dodgy car salesman! As this shift towards more informed buyers has taken place, the need for a well thought out, professional and informative web presence has become critical to a business. In today’s world, the majority of buyers are doing the bulk of their product research online, before they even pick up the phone.

As this shift towards more informed buyers has taken place, the need for a well thought out, professional and informative web presence has become critical to a business. In today’s world, the majority of buyers are doing the bulk of their product research online, before they even pick up the phone.

Content is King

I often get business owners coming to me saying, they need a website. “However, I only need 1-page, just so people can find and call us”. Will they though? Your competitor as an 8-page website with lovely photos, engaging content and a nice design. Would they really bother picking up the phone and calling you? Maybe, but it’s an uphill battle.

If you are wanting to rank well in a Google search, a single-page website just won’t cut the mustard. Google ranks its sites based on engaging content, relevant images and design features (amongst a myriad of other things). Getting a single page website to rank well is very difficult.

The Ideal Outcome

You want a website that doesn’t involve a massive upfront outlay which will displays your business in an honest and professional manner. This website would become an important sales tool for your business, driving lead generation and increasing your company revenue.

The Next Step

If you don’t have a website or feel your website needs a makeover, speak to your local (more on this later) website designer. All About Group have created dozens of effective websites for small businesses and have a trusted network of colleagues for other web related enquires (hosting, SEO, copywriting). Not sure what to do and need some advice? Just give me a call for a free, no-obligation chat on 3881 3211, or email me at