Book in a free website health check today to make ensure your online presence is up to speed and working for your business.

We’ll evaluate your website:


Layout Design


We’ll also develop an action plan to make your digital footprint one that helps take your business to new heights.

Book Your Website Health Check

Complete the below form and we will give you a call and book in a free online health check on your website.

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3 crucial ingredients

The three crucial ingredients of web design?
1. Copy
2. Layout Design
3. Images 

Simply put, web design is the design process of your website. But there are all these other design practices that get packed into web design. 


Good copywriting gets your customers ready to buy from you by giving them all the information they could need to solve their problem.

Layout Design

Your designer will make sure your website not only looks great, but is designed to convert readers to customers — because that’s the point. 


Images break up the copy — so your website’s visitors aren’t confronted with an intimidating wall of text. They also provide a visual link to the copy written on the page


We understand that building websites can be confusing with lots of different jargon being used by website developers.

At Brand Hero, we try to keep things simple so you know where you are at and can get on with what you do best, running your business.

Will I own the website?

Yes! Once the process is complete, we transfer all ownership over to you.

Can I edit the website?

Yes! All our websites come with a built-in editor so you can change text, add images and even new pages. It can grow as your business grows. 

Do you build the website?

Yes! We will build your website for you. Once your are happy and the website looks amazing, we will “go live” and hand it over to you. 

What if I need help?

Never fear, Brand Hero are always around to help you out if you get stuck or have a question about your site. 

Do you offer hosting?

No. Brand Hero sticks to what we know best – building great websites. Never fear, we have a team of great hosting providers we can refer you to.

Do you offer SEO or Google Ads?

No. At present, Brand Hero is not offering online marketing services for your website. But we do have great providers we can partner you with.

Attract More Business With An Awesome Website