FLYER DESIGN & Printing Brisbane
FLYER DESIGN & Printing Brisbane
Direct Marketing To Drive Sales
When you need to reach a large number of people, then flyers or leaflets are an economical printing option.
From the time the first printing press was manufactured by Gutenberg, flyers have been a popular way to get the word out.
Flyers are printed on flat, unfolded sheets of paper, and are fast and effective marketing collateral for all sized businesses.
Flyers are ideal for mass mail outs and letterbox drops, product information sheets, special offers, time-limited offers and trade displays. If you are communicating with large numbers of people, then flyers are the way to go.
With flyer sizes ranging from A4, A5, A6 and DL, there is sure to be an option to meet your needs. Paperweight ranges from 80 – 150gsm, with one or two-sided printing in full colour or black and white.